Talat Xhaferi is the new minister of defense of Macedonia

Talat Xhaferi is the new minister of defense of Macedonia
Former commander of the Albanian NLA Talat Xhaferi, also known as
Commander Forina (Komandant Forina), is the new Minister of defense of the
Republic of Macedonia.
In 2001 militant groups od NLA led by Xhaferi and others, attacked
security forces of Macedonia demanding more rights for the Albanian minority.
The armed conflict ended with signing of the Ohrid Framework Agreement on 13
August 2001 in which constitutional changes were guaranteed. At the elections
the following year DUI, an Albanian party formed from NLA, won 11.9 % of the
votes and 16 of 120 seats in the Parlament. After the incidents of 2001 the only
condition for DUI to get the Ministry od Defense was if only the minister was
NOT a former commander of NLA.
Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski stated: „I think, based on
their education, work and professional experience, these new ministers will be
able to conduct the program of the Government very successfully and with
To sum up: Someone who has fought against you, is more proper to defend you in the future.
„It’s not possible or normal for Xhaferi to be the new minister of
defense“. – Says Stojanche Angelov, former General-Major who fought in the 2001
conflict. „This is a betrayal of trust to the people who lost their families in
the conflict. I hope that the Prime Minister and the Government will come to
their senses“.
To sum up: Someone who has fought against you, is more proper to defend you in the future.
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